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Leigh Bowery at Tate Modern, Ukraine’s art world three years on, Max Beckmann and the Gothic Modern—podcast

Leigh Bowery at Tate Modern, Ukraine’s art world three years on, Max Beckmann and the Gothic Modern—podcast

Tate Modern today opened up a huge exhibition exploring the life and work of the radical Australian-born efficiency artist, stylist and so-called “club beast”, Leigh Bowery, along with the variety of cultural numbers in his orbit in London.

From breaking news and insider understandings to exhibitions and occasions all over the world, the team at The Art Newspaper picks apart the art world’s huge stories with the help of special visitors. An award-winning podcast held by Ben Luke.

And this episode’s Work of the Week is actually a set of works made more than 400 years apart called The Female’s Bathroom. The very first is a woodcut based on an illustration by Albrecht Dürer from around 1500; the 2nd a painting reacting to it, made by the German musician Max Beckmann in 1919.

Three years on from Russia’s intrusion of Ukraine, and in the middle of stuffed international diplomacy adhering to the United States’s sudden shift in approach to the battle under President Trump, we talk to Sophia Kishkovsky, our global reporter who has widely reported on Russia and Ukraine, about just how Ukraine’s art world is responding to this new period.

It coincides with various other related London shows: one evaluating the style job of Bowery and his partners and peers at the Fashion and Fabric Museum, and another at the National Portrait Gallery about the style and culture publication The Face, which arised around the exact same time as Bowery entered the UK funding in the very early 1980s. Ben Luke reviews the shows with Louisa Buck, The Art Paper’s modern art correspondent.

1 Art Newspaper picks
2 insider insights
3 special guests