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Art Market Eye

‘One auction house will fold, as will more fairs’: experts give their art market 2025 predictions

‘One auction house will fold, as will more fairs’: experts give their art market 2025 predictions

Where there will be room for improvement is in the middle market, where current geo-political issues, the slowing down of Asian engagement and the tightening of belts in Europe has led to a softening of prices and lower sell-through rates of the day sales at the major auction houses.

Gen X are the biggest spenders on art as ‘speculative’ millennials drop back, latest UBS/Art Basel survey finds

Gen X are the biggest spenders on art as ‘speculative’ millennials drop back, latest UBS/Art Basel survey finds

She identifies the high end of the market, "which was so pivotal in driving sales out of contraction in 2020", as thinning out considerably, "creating a drag on growth despite more positive performance in some other lower-priced segments."

Pricking the art market bubble?

Pricking the art market bubble?

However, Michael Macauley, Sotheby's head of contemporary art in Europe, says: “Watch this space, we are expecting more to come in before the sale.” The top lot is David Hockney’s 1968 painting from the south of France, L’Arbois, Sainte-Maxime (1968) with an almost Ruscha-esque vibe to the depiction of a building with large umbrella pines in the foreground.