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US National Gallery acquires four Robert Longo drawings, including one of the 6 January insurrection

US National Gallery acquires four Robert Longo drawings, including one of the 6 January insurrection

The 4th drawing, Untitled (Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol; January sixth, 2021; Based on a picture by Mark Peterson) (2021 ), is a 10ft-wide closeup of a few of the insurgents that stormed the Capitol in 2021. Treatment their confront with gas masks and scarfs, several men bring and put on American flags as they break their means into the building. This acquisition was moneyed by the NGA board participant Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen and her husband, the venture capitalist Marc Andreessen.

The National Gallery of Art (NGA) in Washington, DC, has obtained 4 significant drawings by the artist Robert Longo. Like much of Longo’s a lot more recent outcome, the works are overtly political in nature, showing the White House, the US Capitol, the Supreme Court Structure and the 6 January 2021 insurrection.

The extremely in-depth charcoal jobs are based on pre-existing photographs and videos, recombined and changed by Longo, of the three structures standing for the three branches of United States federal government. Longo highlights both the may and the delicacy of these organizations in the works via his use of light, shadow and structure.

1 insurgents that stormed
2 January sixth
3 Mark Peterson
4 picture by Mark