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2024 October

Cecilia Vicuña and Julian Charrière Awarded MOCA LA’s Inaugural Art and Environment Prize

Cecilia Vicuña and Julian Charrière Awarded MOCA LA’s Inaugural Art and Environment Prize

Charrière explores our rapidly changing relationship with nature by conducting field research in remote locations such as glaciers, volcanoes, and radioactive sites, which informed his interdisciplinary film, photography, and sculpture practice.

David Shrigley unveils giant mantis sculpture at his former school, calling attention to perilous state of UK art education

David Shrigley unveils giant mantis sculpture at his former school, calling attention to perilous state of UK art education

The British artist David Shrigley has returned to his Midlands secondary school almost 40 years after graduating to unveil an animatronic sculpture of a giant praying mantis, in the hope that it will spark a nationwide conversation about the “vital importance” of arts subjects.

Contemporary Istanbul welcomes galleries from Spain and Latin America

Contemporary Istanbul welcomes galleries from Spain and Latin America

As the fair aims to strengthen its footing as an international art market destination, this edition features a special focus on Spanish and Latin American galleries, with several exhibitors from Argentina, Brazil and—primarily—Spain.

Art Toronto offers moments of connection, catharsis and commerce for Canada’s art world

Art Toronto offers moments of connection, catharsis and commerce for Canada’s art world

Visitors are greeted at the top of the escalators by an installation by the Toronto-based Chinese artist Sami Tsang (presented by the local gallery Cooper Cole)—a phantasmagorical piece that resembles a giant monster baby emerging from traditional pottery—and an accompanying large-scale painting depicting the same.

Gen X are the biggest spenders on art as ‘speculative’ millennials drop back, latest UBS/Art Basel survey finds

Gen X are the biggest spenders on art as ‘speculative’ millennials drop back, latest UBS/Art Basel survey finds

She identifies the high end of the market, "which was so pivotal in driving sales out of contraction in 2020", as thinning out considerably, "creating a drag on growth despite more positive performance in some other lower-priced segments."

The Frightening Familiarity of Late-Nineties Office Photos

The Frightening Familiarity of Late-Nineties Office Photos

He began his fine-arts career shooting in black-and-white, in the style of the Swedish master Christer Strömholm, but later switched to color, drawing inspiration from vivid, large-format scenes of everyday life by American photographers such as Stephen Shore and William Eggleston.

‘We have been able to act as a safe space’: amid war in Gaza, London’s Mosaic Rooms announces major expansion plans

‘We have been able to act as a safe space’: amid war in Gaza, London’s Mosaic Rooms announces major expansion plans

Since the Mosaic Rooms opened in 2008 it has been a consistent platform in the UK for major artists from the wider Arab region, such as Heba Y Amin, Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti, and Mohammed Omar Khalil.

President Biden awards National Medal of Arts to artists including Mark Bradford, Carrie Mae Weems and Alex Katz

President Biden awards National Medal of Arts to artists including Mark Bradford, Carrie Mae Weems and Alex Katz

The National Medal of Arts was first established by Congress in 1984. past recipients include the artists Georgia O'Keeffe, Willem de Kooning, Isamu Noguchi, James Turrell, Maya Lin, Robert Rauschenberg, Jack Whitten, Roy Lichtenstein, Ellsworth Kelly and Judith Baca.

Iceland plans national gallery overhaul

Iceland plans national gallery overhaul

A leak in one of the main storage rooms meant that gallery staff recently had to move part of the collection of works on paper before a storm to avoid damage, according to Ingibjörg Jóhannsdóttir, the museum’s director.

What Can I Recycle?

What Can I Recycle?

That includes, but is not limited to, bags, bubble wrap, disposable flatware and cutlery, six-pack can holders, prescription-medicine bottles, toy lightsabres, those little table things that keep your pizza from getting smushed, and plastic lawn flamingos.

Should Political Violence Be Addressed Like a Threat to Public Health?

Should Political Violence Be Addressed Like a Threat to Public Health?

One inspector noted that, in his assigned district, refuse filled gutters, blocked sewage culverts, and sent forth “perennial emanations which generate pestiferous disease.” Another observed that certain streets better resembled “dung-hills rather than the thoroughfares in a civilized city.” In response to the report, state lawmakers introduced legislation that led to the establishment, in 1866, of the Metropolitan Board of Health, one of the country’s first municipal public-health authorities.

Embattled New York adviser Lisa Schiff pleads guilty to defrauding clients out of $6.5m

Embattled New York adviser Lisa Schiff pleads guilty to defrauding clients out of $6.5m

“Lisa Schiff attempted to paint a picture of a successful fine-art advisory business, when in reality—as she admitted today—it was actually a multimillion-dollar fraudulent scheme,” the FBI’s James E. Dennehy said in a statement.