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American Art Museum

Curatorial risks worth taking to foster a sense of belonging in museums

Curatorial risks worth taking to foster a sense of belonging in museums

Moving away from approaches that merely “add and stir” historically excluded art and creative traditions into a set of canonical narratives, the Brooklyn Museum is exploring new paths forward in research, interpretation and care for collections that are inspired by the ways strategically undervalued communities see and experience the world.

Elizabeth Catlett—the artist who was seen as a threat to the US—gets her due with touring show

Elizabeth Catlett—the artist who was seen as a threat to the US—gets her due with touring show

In addition to giving a wider and more nuanced view of the overlapping political forces that informed Catlett’s life and career—from the civil rights movement in the US to the nascent sense of Black Mexican identity taking root in her adoptive country—the curators hope to recast a dichotomy that has been used to structure exhibitions and texts about her work: the contrast between her decades-long printmaking practice and her commissions for public monuments in the 1980s.