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visual inspections

‘Once in a generation chance’: Hampton Court conservation grants visitors closer look at Chapel Royal

‘Once in a generation chance’: Hampton Court conservation grants visitors closer look at Chapel Royal

They gaze up at the richly painted vaulted ceiling, with musician cherubs scrambling out of the pendants created for Henry VIII, and the extensive Baroque decoration carried out for Queen Anne.

James Purnell to step down as president and vice-chancellor of the University of the Arts London

James Purnell to step down as president and vice-chancellor of the University of the Arts London

The students’ demands include a call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, withdrawal from the IHRA [International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance] definition of antisemitism, protection of the right for free speech and the right to organise for Palestine, and to “declare and divest from any investments or financial interests, which make the institution and its members complicit in the genocide of Palestinian people.”