ArtsEnte ArtsEnte
Age art Donald Trump DreamWorks Animation announced Contemporary Art President Joe Biden adjoining Brighton Museum Arts Students League

DreamWorks Animation announced

Ralph Lemon Talks about Dance, Drawing, and Maintaining a Decades-Long Generative Practice

Ralph Lemon Talks about Dance, Drawing, and Maintaining a Decades-Long Generative Practice

Working in the contexts of dance, drawing,painting, installation, and writing, New York–based Ralph Lemon has expanded what art can be through a generative practice that questions the conventions of his different disciplines and his body’s relationship to each.

The Frightening Familiarity of Late-Nineties Office Photos

The Frightening Familiarity of Late-Nineties Office Photos

He began his fine-arts career shooting in black-and-white, in the style of the Swedish master Christer Strömholm, but later switched to color, drawing inspiration from vivid, large-format scenes of everyday life by American photographers such as Stephen Shore and William Eggleston.

“Shrek” v. Perry the Donkey

“Shrek” v. Perry the Donkey

Several minutes later, after a detour through the diamond district to pick up some stamps, she was back inside the lobby, standing before a gold letter box affixed to the wall.